Dropping in for a spin!!!! Long post!
Good Morning my beloved friends,
Just wanted to stick my head in the door and wave before I take off a warped speed trying to make it do what it do JOYFULLY...that is my motto for the rest of this year...
Update: I think the last real time I posted I told you I experienced some weight gain. First time in almost 5 years my surgery date is next week or this week I think. I was kinda of down about the weight.
But I realize sitting at home in pain since July took its toll on me...I was off from January to May, went to work for 2 months and I am back in the same mess. But I realize Pain, meds, no movement equals weight gain.
I started doubting my pouch....doubting my ability....doubting I would ever get back on my feet.......I began looking into a revision. Not all is lost but so many roadblocks made me look at a few things....
First and foremost, is this GOD 's will for my life....did I need this was something really wrong.
I am not a 100% sure but I believe in my spirit that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my pouch, I have restriction......I believe that I lost my discipline......So while I was seeking answers, running into roadblocks on every hand. I came to this conclusion.
I bought into a lie , some hype. I have some disc problems in my neck and my back and because of the pain...I have yet to move....I have a lot of excess skin it is painful....I have yet to move. I bought this lie hook, line and sinker...I have been my own worst enemy, my own worst predator, my own worst fear...
I finally made up my mind that in order to be 100% sure I dont need revision was to go back to basics, incorporate the things that I was never consistent with and give it a couple of months.
I went back to my daily supplement intake, not because it is right because I am in nutrition and have learned what happens when you do not take your supplements and how many days it takes to make up the ample storage your body needs. for every day you miss it takes 10 days of consecutive days of supplements to make up what you lost...10 days = 100days......This says YOU MUST NOT MISS YOU SUPPLEMENTS YOUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON IT>
Dont' believe it dont take them and see if you body does not start sucking the calcium right out of your teeth and bones. It knows how to get what it needs but you may pay a big price for it.
So believe me I got my supplements back on track.....Working on getting the fluids back on track or shall I say up to a suitable levels. I am being consistent but it is not enought YET.
I am taking matters into my own hands with the exercise...I am sick of doctors and people fussing about neck surgery...but I am about to try some alternative ways to help myself...Between FAITH PRAYER and old fashion traction, I am believing and trusting GOD to put the space back between the disc to allieviate the pain and the problem....I will strenghten my body through exercise, prayer and the laying on of hands (massage & Prayer)
I have a plan and I PLAN on being successful at it. I am believing GOD to do this and lose 40lbs by the end of the year. I think this is doable for me. I am happy to say that I have successfully lost 14 lbs since I was started with the weight gain.... The only change was trying to get in a daily requirement every morning of fruits and protein. I started doing a smoothie that has 5 servings of fruit, 30 grams of protein using greek yogurt and a whey/soy protein. 7 consecutive days I saw the weight loss, now I try to do it every morning.
For me, it is not doing right....it is staying on the road of doing right...NO more devil detours.
Well that is it for now...All else is good, school, family, and even in the finding a mate department...all seems to be well. Balance and wholeness is what is important and I choose to prosper and be in good health..
I hope this encourages somebody like me who has seen failure and feels hopeless to pick it up...dust it off and try it again!!!!!
Just wanted to stick my head in the door and wave before I take off a warped speed trying to make it do what it do JOYFULLY...that is my motto for the rest of this year...
Update: I think the last real time I posted I told you I experienced some weight gain. First time in almost 5 years my surgery date is next week or this week I think. I was kinda of down about the weight.
But I realize sitting at home in pain since July took its toll on me...I was off from January to May, went to work for 2 months and I am back in the same mess. But I realize Pain, meds, no movement equals weight gain.
I started doubting my pouch....doubting my ability....doubting I would ever get back on my feet.......I began looking into a revision. Not all is lost but so many roadblocks made me look at a few things....
First and foremost, is this GOD 's will for my life....did I need this was something really wrong.
I am not a 100% sure but I believe in my spirit that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my pouch, I have restriction......I believe that I lost my discipline......So while I was seeking answers, running into roadblocks on every hand. I came to this conclusion.
I bought into a lie , some hype. I have some disc problems in my neck and my back and because of the pain...I have yet to move....I have a lot of excess skin it is painful....I have yet to move. I bought this lie hook, line and sinker...I have been my own worst enemy, my own worst predator, my own worst fear...
I finally made up my mind that in order to be 100% sure I dont need revision was to go back to basics, incorporate the things that I was never consistent with and give it a couple of months.
I went back to my daily supplement intake, not because it is right because I am in nutrition and have learned what happens when you do not take your supplements and how many days it takes to make up the ample storage your body needs. for every day you miss it takes 10 days of consecutive days of supplements to make up what you lost...10 days = 100days......This says YOU MUST NOT MISS YOU SUPPLEMENTS YOUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON IT>
Dont' believe it dont take them and see if you body does not start sucking the calcium right out of your teeth and bones. It knows how to get what it needs but you may pay a big price for it.
So believe me I got my supplements back on track.....Working on getting the fluids back on track or shall I say up to a suitable levels. I am being consistent but it is not enought YET.
I am taking matters into my own hands with the exercise...I am sick of doctors and people fussing about neck surgery...but I am about to try some alternative ways to help myself...Between FAITH PRAYER and old fashion traction, I am believing and trusting GOD to put the space back between the disc to allieviate the pain and the problem....I will strenghten my body through exercise, prayer and the laying on of hands (massage & Prayer)
I have a plan and I PLAN on being successful at it. I am believing GOD to do this and lose 40lbs by the end of the year. I think this is doable for me. I am happy to say that I have successfully lost 14 lbs since I was started with the weight gain.... The only change was trying to get in a daily requirement every morning of fruits and protein. I started doing a smoothie that has 5 servings of fruit, 30 grams of protein using greek yogurt and a whey/soy protein. 7 consecutive days I saw the weight loss, now I try to do it every morning.
For me, it is not doing right....it is staying on the road of doing right...NO more devil detours.
Well that is it for now...All else is good, school, family, and even in the finding a mate department...all seems to be well. Balance and wholeness is what is important and I choose to prosper and be in good health..
I hope this encourages somebody like me who has seen failure and feels hopeless to pick it up...dust it off and try it again!!!!!
Hey Keesha, you missed a couple of the posts where she just said popped in to say typed "hello" and we all flatlined...LOL!!! Okay Di I am leaving

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown